Does Turnkey VoIP Technology Scare You? Face Your Fears Today!

February 14, 2015

turnkey VoIP If you’re a small or midsized business owner who knows that you need to upgrade your business communication system to one that utilizes VoIP technology and haven’t done so yet, it’s time to ask yourself why. Maybe the thought of learning a whole new telecommunication system feels a little intimidating? If this is the case, then that’s completely understandable. The high majority of companies have been using a landline for many, many years now and the thought of switching to a new business telecommunication platform can be a bit scary.

Also, because you’re a business owner it’s highly likely that you’re extremely busy every single day, which can make it easy for you to keep putting off the turnkey VoIP technology that can help you raise your business to a whole new level.

Does Turnkey VoIP Technology Scare You?

If you’re currently comfortable using a landline as the basis for your business telecommunication system, even though you know that turnkey VoIP technology will be eventually replacing this landline, it’s likely that you’re going to wait until the very last minute to sign up for high-tech VoIP services. But if you do, then you definitely risk being left out of the loop when it comes to effective communication. VoIP technology offers a number of extremely beneficial advantages that can help you run your business much more efficiently, which is essential in the extremely competitive world of business we live in today.

The main reason why turnkey VoIP technology may seem a little scary is because it’s an unknown. The small and midsized business owners who are still utilizing a landline are for the most part doing so because they’re comfortable using this (outdated!) business telecommunication system. And they should be. This landline based telecommunication system has been utilized by businesses for so many years now that business owners are simply comfortable using this long-established telecommunication system. Thus, the thought of upgrading to using a new telecommunication platform can be a bit scary.

Another reason why small and/or midsized business owners are waiting to upgrade is because they’ve heard that if their internet connection happens to go down they won’t be able to communicate at all, which is a completely legitimate concern. Although this does occur from time to time, it tends to happen more commonly in residential networks vs. a business setting. And if this does happen, it’s the IT department’s job to take over and correct.

Face Your Fears Today

Because recent reports are telling us that the high majority of small and midsized business owners will have signed up for VoIP services by the year 2017, it’s only a matter of time before every business owner will be utilizing turnkey VoIP technology. This means that sooner or later you’re going to have to upgrade your current business telecommunication system; it’s just a matter of when.

If your main concern is not understanding how VoIP technology works, then what you need to do is find a VoIP reseller who is considered to be an expert in all things VoIP. This way you can take all of your questions and get the answers you need in order to make an educated decision. If you’re concerned that you’re not going to be able to communicate if your internet connection goes down, then you can also discuss these concerns with the VoIP reseller. They can explain to you the difference between a dropped connection (very rare in a business setting) and a true down connection (when the internet to the entire building goes down). A true down connection usually occurs within the outside infrastructure, making it the ISP’s responsibility. This means that you don’t have to worry about correcting the problem, and can expect the ISP to have it corrected as soon as they possibly can.

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Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/

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