Turnkey VoIP Systems: Are You the Next Managed Service Provider?

April 24, 2015

Turnkey VoIP systemsWhen it comes to successfully reselling turnkey VoIP systems last year, the newest statistics are telling us that Managed Service Providers are at the top of the list. The unified communications market is one that has been gathering a lot of attention in the past few years, which can be attributed to a lowering in the costs associated with upgrading a business communication system to one that can now support high-tech VoIP services. That’s why there’s been such a high interest in what it takes to resell turnkey VoIP systems lately.

Turnkey VoIP Systems

Now that turnkey VoIP systems are considered to be very affordable, the majority of SMBs are now looking into what they need to do in order to upgrade their business communication platform. Even though the majority are looking, not quite half of this market has made the decision to actually make the upgrade. The main reason is because they’re just not sure. They’re not sure about which VoIP services they should sign up for. They’re not sure about how much it’s going to cost them to install and utilize this updated business communication system. They’re not sure if they’re choosing the best turnkey VoIP provider for their particular type of business. And they’re not sure if they should also sign up for cloud communication services.

So that means that there are still more than half of the SMB market that needs to upgrade their current landline based business communication system. Are you ready to be their Managed Service Provider?

Managed Service Provider (MSP)

There’s a lot to know when it comes to being a Managed Service Provider. Taking on this responsibility means that you’re going to be in charge of offering the best communication services to your customers, which includes services like Hosted PBX, Sip Trunks and VoIP-based services. And because the high majority of business owners want to do business with one person vs. a number of people, the more you know the better! When you’re able to offer your customers a lot of choices, which really adds value to your reselling company, they’re going to be happy because the only have to deal with one person – you!

Anytime a potential customer, or even a current one, asks you for your advice on VoIP related and cloud communication services and/or products, it’s essential that you’re ready with the right answers.

Want to be a Managed Service Provider (MSP)?

If you’re ready to be a Managed Service Provider, we invite you to contact us today. What we want you to know is that we can help you understand the many challenges that are ahead for you when you choose this challenging yet very rewarding career. And it’s essential that you understand the best ways that you can grow your customer base, which for the most part includes offering potential customers a number of services and/or products that can help them stand out from the competition. We can help you do that!

It’s also imperative that you understand that right now is a great time for you to get started (since more than half of all SMBs still need to upgrade their communication platform). Because there’s still such a large market of business owners who need to sign up for high-tech VoIP and cloud communication services, you can definitely expect to earn the oh-so-important recurring revenue you’re looking to earn this new year.

White Label Communication

Our professional staff here are at White Label Communications are waiting for you to contact us so you can become the professional Managed Service Provider that you know you can be. If you’re ready to have total ownership of your customers so you can earn recurring revenue margins of up to 70%, be sure to contact us today.

Want to learn more about our Private Label Reseller program? Click here to contact or schedule a call with us.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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