Turnkey VoIP Services are Here! Your Top Questions Answered

March 17, 2015

turnkey VoIP servicesTurnkey VoIP services are now accessible to any business owner who’s ready to update their current landline based business communication system. For many years now, the majority of both small and midsized business owners have been using a landline to communicate with others. This is mainly because the cost of utilizing a landline was comparatively less than the cost of utilizing high-tech turnkey VoIP services, and the high majority of these business owners were working within a limited communication budget.

But now that these costs have lowered significantly any business owner can now afford to integrate turnkey VoIP services into their business.

Your Top Questions Answered

The following are some of the top questions that are being asked when a business owner is seeking information about turnkey VoIP services.

What Does VoIP Mean? VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, which refers to a technology that allows voice packets to be sent over the internet instead of a landline. The voice packets are first converted from analog to digital so they can be sent through the internet, and then they change back to analog once it reaches the traditional PSTN. Therefore, a broadband internet connection is required to support turnkey VoIP services.

Why Should I Switch to VoIP? There are many benefits to upgrading a business’s communication system from one that uses a limited landline to one that uses VoIP technology. The main benefits to be had include saving money, the ability to create a mobile workforce and having access to many additional VoIP-related features that allow a business to run much more efficiently.

What Quality Can I Expect if I Switch to VoIP? Because VoIP technology uses the internet to connect you can expect much faster and much clearer connections and telephone calls. The main factors that are going to make a difference in the quality of VoIP services include how much bandwidth is available and how strong the overall internet connection is. If your power happens to go out, it’s highly likely that your internet connection is going to go out too, which means that you won’t be able to make telephone calls during this time. Back up options are available though, which should be discussed with your VoIP provider.

Reselling VoIP Options

When it comes to finding a VoIP reseller who can provide the turnkey VoIP services that business owners are actively seeking these days, they’re going to want to find one who knows everything there is to know about VoIP technology. Upgrading a business’s communication platform isn’t something that is done very often, and because unified communications are so essential in today’s competitive world of business they want to make sure that it’s done right. One suggestion is to choose a reseller who knows how to provide the personal service that so many small and medium-sized business owners are looking for because they want this individualized attention.

Before contacting a VoIP reseller in order to sign up for the turnkey VoIP services that can take any business to a whole new level, it’s a good idea to first make a list of things to discuss with a potential VoIP provider.

  • Overall Cost
  • International Rates
  • Customer Service
  • Technical Support
  • Control Panel Options
  • Call Quality
  • Available Numbers
  • 800 Virtual Numbers
  • Mobile Workforce

Want to Resell Turnkey VoIP Services?

If you’re someone who’s interested in reselling that turnkey VoIP services that both small and midsized business owners are actively seeking out nowadays, we invite you to contact us today for more information. We can help you get started in as little as a few weeks, and we can provide you with all of the information you need to be the absolute best VoIP reseller you can possibly be.

Want to learn more about our Private Label Reseller program? Click here to contact or schedule a call with us.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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