Turnkey PBX Systems: Hello VoIP Services… 5 Transitioning Tips

February 20, 2015

Turnkey PBX SystemsNow that VoIP technology is completely affordable, any business owner who’s looking to upgrade their business communication system can now afford to do so. Because the majority of small and midsized businesses tend to operate on a fairly tight communication budget, when many of them think about high-tech VoIP services they often think that the cost is going to be too much for their budget. And this makes complete sense. I mean, how could upgrading to a better telephony system cost them less money?

But the fact of the matter is that the high majority of businesses can expect to save money when they choose to ditch their landline and upgrade to using VoIP services.

Goodbye PBX System

For the most part, both small and midsized business owners have been using a PBX as the foundation of their telephone system. This communication system uses a landline for connection purposes, and has been used by business owners for more than 20 years now. Because so many business owners have been using a PBX system for so long now, many of them are comfortable using this landline based system. They don’t feel a need to upgrade their current landline based telephone system to one that can now utilize the internet for transmission purposes.

Hello VoIP Services

But there are some who understand just how essential it is to upgrade their business communication system to one that can now utilize VoIP technology. As soon as the costs of integrating VoIP services lowered a few years ago, these business owners were quick to find a VoIP reseller and sign up so they could start immediately benefitting from these new and better communication services.

This handful of business owners are no longer using a landline, which it is slowly but surely becoming known as an outdated technology. Instead, they’re now able to have access to a large number of extremely beneficial services that will help them take their business wherever they want it to go. They’re no longer limited to using a landline, and instead now have access to the broadband technology that allows for faster and better communication abilities.

5 Transitioning Tips

If you’re a business owner who’s still using a landline instead of VoIP technology, it’s important for you to know that new VoIP reports are telling us that the high majority of business owners will have signed up for VoIP services by the year 2017. So it’s truly only a matter of time before you’re going to need to sign up for high-tech VoIP services. The following are a few transitioning tips that will help you make this technology upgrade as smooth as possible.

  1. Know everything there is to know about your current internet connection.
  2. Have at least a good basic understanding of what VoIP is and how it can help benefit your business.
  3. Either you or someone who knows a lot about technology should be in charge of making sure that the installation process is done right.
  4. Inform and train all of your employees to utilize your new VoIP system.
  5. Find the absolute best VoIP reseller to give your business to!

White Label Communications

If you need help finding the best VoIP reseller so you can feel confident about making this technology upgrade, be sure to contact us today. We know everything there is to know about reselling VoIP services and can therefore connect you with some of the best VoIP resellers out there. There’s truly no reason for you to have to wait any longer when it comes to utilizing high-tech VoIP services. And when you do sign up for high-tech VoIP services, the only question you’ll have is ‘why didn’t I do this sooner?’

Want to learn more about our Private Label Reseller program? Click here to contact or schedule a call with us.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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