Reselling White Label Cloud VoIP Services? New Customer Demand Info

April 21, 2015

White label cloud VoIPLast year was a very busy time for those who were showing an interest in reselling white label cloud VoIP services. Mainly because the year 2014 was witness to a nearly 25% growth when it came to people signing up to resell high-tech cloud communication services. Wow! This is quite an increase, and tells us that current resellers (as well as those who are interested in learning about the reselling business), managed service providers and current carriers are all doing very well when it comes to reselling white label cloud VoIP services these days.

White Label Cloud VoIP Services

As both small and midsized businesses continue to upgrade their current landline based business communication system to one that can now support high-tech VoIP services, there’s a need for them to find a reseller who can help them with this important transition. Nearly half of these businesses have already made the decision to upgrade, which means that more than half still need a VoIP reseller to assist them in the process. The move from a landline based communication system to one that can now support VoIP technology is indeed necessary if these business owners want to be able to stay competitive in the highly competitive world of business we live in today.

When a business owner does decide to upgrade their business communication system to one that can now support VoIP services, they’re now going to have access to a large number of features and benefits that will allow them to efficiently compete with their competitors. Nice! But what they also need to understand is that they’re now not only able to access a number of highly beneficial communication features due to the integration of VoIP technology into their communication system, they’re also able to use beneficial cloud services. All by simply choosing to adopt the cloud.

The Cloud

But current reports are telling us that not as many of these business owners are choosing to adopt the cloud, as previously expected. Why is this? Because they’re looking for the best cloud reseller who can help them understand the cloud services available, and how these cloud services can help them bring their business to a brand new level. Although cloud communication services have been available for a few years now, the costs associated with integrating cloud technology into a business were high. Now that these costs have lowered substantially, these small and midsized business owners are actively looking for a cloud reseller who can answer all of the questions they have about adopting the cloud for their particular business.

And what they’re finding out is that many of the resellers they’re contacting only resell VoIP services, and not cloud communications services. Why would some VoIP resellers not choose to also resell cloud services? Mainly because choosing to also resell cloud communication services means taking on a whole new reselling project. Reselling cloud services requires a reseller to fully understand how these cloud services can help any particular business reach the goals they have in place, and this requires a reseller to understand everything there is to know about cloud communication services so that they can fully understand the process and accordingly help potential customers who want cloud services.

Reselling White Label Cloud VoIP Services

If you’re someone who’s interested in reselling white label cloud VoIP services, we invite you to contact us today for more information. We know everything there is to know about the reselling world, and can help you get set up so you can start reselling VoIP technology and/or cloud communication services in just a matter of weeks. And because we have all of the resources and tools you need to understand everything there is to know about reselling VoIP technology as well as cloud adoption, you have the ability to become known as an authority in the reselling white label cloud VoIP services arena. Nice!

Want to learn more about our Private Label Reseller program? Click here to contact or schedule a call with us.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/

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