Want to Resell Cloud Phone Systems? The Best Time to Resell is… Now!

April 1, 2015

Resell cloud phone systemsNow that both small and midsized business owners have had plenty of time to explore the new unified communication options that are currently available, we’re finding out that many of them are choosing to sign up for cloud computing services. As of today, statistics are telling us that a little less than half of business owners have actually made the necessary upgrade so that their communication system can support cloud services, with the majority of those who are currently using cloud computing saying that they’re satisfied with the cloud services they’re now receiving.

Because current cloud users are saying that they’re very satisfied with the communication solutions that cloud services are currently providing for their business, they’re very interested in expanding their cloud computing infrastructure. Slowly but surely the small and midsized business owners who are still waiting to upgrade their landline based communication system are beginning to finally see the value in upgrading their landline based business communication system to one that can now support cloud communications technology.

Cloud Phone Systems

When VoIP technology and cloud services first became affordable a few years ago, which meant that any business owner could now benefit from using these updated communication technologies, many business owners didn’t pay a lot of attention. Mainly because they had been using their landline based communication system for so long now that they’re comfortable using this system and didn’t feel the need to upgrade. But as time went on and they began to see all of the many benefits to be had by upgrading their system to one that can now support VoIP technology and cloud services, they began to investigate their options.

Fast forward a few years later and we’re now at a point where almost half of both small and midsized business owners have made the decision to upgrade their (what is now being called old fashioned) landline system.

Best Time to Resell? Now!

For those who are interested in reselling cloud phone systems, the best time to resell is right now. The longer you wait, the less chance you have of getting your fair share of the reselling cloud phone systems market. If you’re not sure where to start, we invite you to contact us today with any questions you may have about the reselling process. It’s extremely important for any potential resellers to choose the best interconnect and/or managed service providers possible. By choosing the best channel partners to partner up with, you can expect to receive a lot of guidance and support, which is extremely important in this highly specialized communication niche.

Want to Resell Cloud Phone Systems?

The opportunity to resell cloud phone systems and earn that all important recurring revenue is now available. And because not even half of small and midsized business owners have chosen to upgrade their landline based communication system you should strive to get as much of this business as you possibly can. Current statistics tell us that there’s more than 28 million small companies currently doing business in the United States, which truly means that you have access to literally millions of small and midsized business owners who are in need of upgrading their current and quickly becoming outdated business communication system.

So it doesn’t matter whether you’re someone who’s currently reselling a particular item and/or service, or someone who has no experience at all when it comes to the world of reselling – we can help you. We can help you achieve all of your reselling goals, and in as little as a few short weeks! So be sure to contact us today with all of your questions so you can resell cloud phone systems to the business owners who are still in need of an updated business communication system.

Want to learn more about our Private Label Reseller program? Click here to contact or schedule a call with us.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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