Creating a Private Label for Cloud VoIP Services? Top Marketing Tips

October 7, 2014

Private Label for Cloud VoIP ServicesAre you someone who’s interested in creating your very own private label so you can resell cloud VoIP services? If yes, good for you! Get ready for a highly rewarding career in cloud communications. Because  today’s business world is one that’s extremely competitive, it’s necessary for you to do everything in your power in order to make it so that your reselling business is able to stand out far above the rest. One of the first things you need to figure out is how you’re going to get your brand name out there for the world to see so that you can start acquiring customers. So exactly how are you going to do this? How are you going to let all of the small and medium-sized business owners who are still in need of cloud VoIP services know that you’re available?

Although the thought of how exactly you’re going to get your brand name out there can seem to be a bit overwhelming, know that there’s help available. We here at White Label Communications are extremely committed to helping those who choose to partner up with us, and can help you in every aspect when it comes to creating your very own private label reselling business. We fully understand how essential unified communications are these days and accordingly do all that we can in order to provide our partners with all the necessary tools and support, as well as any and all advice and tips that can help them succeed.

Social Media Marketing Tips 

Although there are quite a few different marketing methods that you can use in order to bring in more leads, i.e. buying premade lists, cold calling and sending out direct mail, one of the most proven marketing methods these days is using Social Media. Although there are literally hundreds of Social Media platforms available these days, all you really need to do is choose anywhere from 2 to 5 of these so you can start promoting your own private label cloud VoIP services reselling business.

Tip #1. It’s a good idea to use the more well-known Social Media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, as joining these social networking platforms will give you access to literally millions of people. Many of these people will be business owners, which means they’re potential customers. When performing your research, be sure to keep in mind your target market when posting, making sure to create a mixture of high-quality content as well as engaging pictures.

Tip #2. Don’t only post information about how crucial it is that every business owner who visits your social media page must immediately sign up with you so they can start receiving high-tech cloud VoIP services. Instead, offer them some basic yet essential information about cloud VoIP services in short, informative posts so they can read and understand for themselves how VoIP and cloud adoption can assist them in their particular business.

Tip #3. About 2/3 of your content should come from other resources, which needs to be pertinent to your target audience. This way they’re able to see the overall picture vs. just you telling them how beneficial high-tech VoIP cloud services are.

Tip #4. Be sure to update your social media platforms 2 to 3 times a week. You need to show people that you’re not only consistent, but that you’re also dedicated to helping all the small and medium-sized business owners who still need to upgrade their current business communication system.

Create Your Own Private Label

If you’d like to create your own private label so you can start reselling cloud VoIP services, we invite you to contact us today with any questions you may have. We know everything there is to know about the reselling business, and can therefore provide you with everything you need so that you can create your own private label and start earning the recurring revenue you deserve.

Want to learn more about our Private Label Reseller program? Click here to contact or schedule a call with us.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/

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