Opportunities to Become a VoIP Reseller With White Label VoIP

March 29, 2013
VoIP ResellerHave you ever dreamed of operating a highly successful business and enjoying all of the financial freedom that it could provide? Of course you have – it’s the “American Dream”. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to get to this point, feel that they are unqualified, or believe that they simply don’t have the means. While it’s true that highly successful persons are driven and work hard to achieve their status, there’s also a more important factor in the success equation: time. 

Timing is everything. What if you could finally be in the right place at the right time and grow a profitable business almost overnight? By becoming a VoIP reseller, you could significantly increase your profits without over-extending your resources or getting caught up in a terrible pyramid scheme. Still not convinced? In this post we will explore why VoIP is the technology to watch, and how you can parter with us to become a VoIP reseller today.

Why You Should Be Interested in VoIP

In case you haven’t heard, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the next big thing in communications technology. This is not some futuristic idea – it’s a present reality, and it’s quickly gaining notice from major business enterprises, and communications providers.. Basically, VoIP makes it possible to transmit voice calls, video conferencing, and other data via the Internet, significantly reducing costs to end-users. 

Does this idea sound familiar? You may recognize the principal because of operations like Skype. VoIP telephony has actually been around for awhile now, but it has just recently begun to take off. In fact, major phone providers like NEC and Panasonic are now pushing sales of VoIP-friendly phone systems in mass numbers to corporations of all sizes. The lower costs paired with high-tech features, the ability to integrate into PC systems like Microsoft Outlook, as well as the scalability of VoIP phone systems have made them extremely appealing. 

Ultimately, the communications industry is right on the horizon of a major switch. Communications experts have predicted that within the decade, landlines will have been completely replaced by VoIP telephony. So if you’ve been hoping to find yourself in the right place at the right time – this is it. Over the course of the next several years, all businesses will be transitioning into the world of VoIP, and they will need a communications provider to take care of their needs. By becoming a VoIP reseller now, you’ll have the advantage of grabbing the business of the first, second, third… waves of businesses as they begin to seek out VoIP services. 

Embrace the Opportunity to Thrive

Don’t think you can afford to become a successful VoIP reseller? This is where we come in. At White Label Communications, we give you the opportunity to become the VoIP reseller of your own company. In the past, only the “big league” communications providers were able to offer feature rich, yet cost effective solutions to their customers. What we have done is level the playing field. We provide you with the infrastructure that you need in order to sell and mange VoIP services behind the scenes, while you offer the services under the brand of your own company. In other words, we do all of the heavy lifting as far as service provisions go so that you can focus on creating a positive brand image, harvesting customer relationships, and boosting sales.

As a VoIP reseller, you will be able to provide custom solutions to customers with a wide variety of requirements including:

  • Full Hosted PBX with Dial Tone – Under the ‘guise of your own brand name, you will be able to take advantage of the White Label Communications infrastructure as a means of offering a full hosted PBX solution, complete with a feature set that will rival that of even your largest competitors. Amongst other things, this solution is compatible with the notion of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) which will enable users to integrate any SIP device into the system. 
  • Premise SIP System with Dial Tone – Whether it’s a new or current system, if your customer’s phone system will work with native SIP, you will be able to offer your dial tone system to them in just minutes. And through the help of your branded White Label Communications portal, you will have the ability to remotely provide and manage their service at all times.
  • Legacy System (no native SIP) with Dial Tone – Even if your prospective customer is still using an older phone system, you can provide them with a stellar communications solution. The White Label Communications platform is designed in such a way that you can quickly integrate your SIP connection with Analog or PRI, providing a dial tone to absolutely any PBX.

Are you ready to embrace the opportunity to become a successful VoIP reseller today?



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