In the past, this simply would not have been possible. But the days of huge enterprises holding a monopoly on the latest and greatest communications technologies and services are over. At White Label Communications, we believe in letting the underdog have a chance by leveling the playing field. Through providing the infrastructure and feature-rich services necessary to accommodate the growing needs of your customers, we can enable you to become a successful and profitable private label VoIP reseller without losing business or damaging your brand’s reputation. But don’t just take our word for it when the benefits speak for themselves. Here’s a look at five major advantages of becoming a private label VoIP reseller today.
1. Revenue Protection & Growth
When you become a private label VoIP reseller with White Label Communications, you are able to continue providing the services that you already have available, while also gaining the ability to offer new services like SIP trunking and Hosted PBX. Ultimately, this means that you will be able to keep all of your current customers satisfied as you simultaneously attract and acquire new clientele. This is because your present customers who are not yet ready to ditch their old phone systems will still have the ability to continue with their current service plan, while those who are ready to make the switch to VoIP will be able to do so without having to seek out a new service provider. And because you’ll be offering the latest and greatest communications technologies, new customers will be happy to sign with you.
2. Comprehensive Product Suite
Becoming a private label VoIP reseller doesn’t mean that your service offerings will be limited or less than the best. We help to keep you competitive by extending a comprehensive and feature-rich product suite which enables you to extend your private label dial tone to any native SIP or legacy PBX. Disaster recovery services are available to ensure the continuity of services to your customers during unexpected service interruptions, and dynamic line bursting eliminates the possibility of a busy signal during peak calling hours. Full scalability means that your customers can rely on the fact that their phone system will grow with them. Free software upgrades, remote capabilities, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) compatibility, trunk consolidation, and a number of other services will keep your customers happy while keep you competitive with even the biggest communications providers at all times.
3. Increased Revenue
Since White Label Communications is doing all of the heavy lifting for you, your investment in becoming a private label VoIP reseller will be minimal. As such, you will start to turn over a profit on these services right away. And because more and more businesses are getting ready to make the switch into the world of VoIP telephony, you will enjoy a boom in sales and steady sales revenue as your ability to stay ahead of the latest technological trends will keep your customers satisfied and loyal to your brand.
4. Maximum Control
Although White Label Communications is happy to back you up and help you out through 24/7 customer service, we also enable you to enjoy maximum control of all provisioning activities over your customer’s accounts. Through our convenient and user-friendly turnkey web portal, you will easily be able to manage your client’s accounts remotely.
5. Customized Branding
When it comes to our private label VoIP resellers, we prefer to remain backstage. What this means is that even though we provide you with the means to offer state-of-the-art VoIP services to your customers, we let you take the credit for it. Every service that you offer to your customers will be under the umbrella of your own brand name so that you are able to get your name out to the masses, build up your company, and become more successful than ever before without ever losing your credibility or reputation.
The benefits involved with becoming a private label VoIP reseller make it obvious that this is a smart business move. Are you ready to see how partnering with White Label Communications can help you to succeed?